Digimon Tamers

Size: +/- 85MB
Format: Avi
Audio: Dual audio
Status: Complete
Host : Megaupload
Genres: action, adventure, comedy, drama, science fiction
Theme:  henshin, military, monsters
Running time:+/- 24 minutes
Total Episode:51

Plot Summary: Takato Matsuda, Ruki Matsuno, and Lee Jenrya are children who have, by fate, recieved real Digimon, unlike the imaginary ones in the card game they play. Each of the children, or “Digimon Tamers”, have their different views on how Digimon should be treated. But when other Digimon begin to appear around Japan, they must put aside their differences to fend off the digital intruders; even though Yamaki, who is the head of a secret organization called Hypnos is trying to eliminate all of the Digimon himself.

01- Guilmon Comes Alive
02- Digimon, Digimon Everywhere
03- To Fight or Not to Fight
04- It Came From the Other Side
05- Dream a Little Dream
06- O Partner Where Art Thou
07- Now You See it Now You Don’t
08- A Question of Trust
09- Not as Seen on TV
10- The Iceman Cometh
11- Much Ado About Musyamon
12- Divided They Stand
13- Juggernaut
14- Grow Mon Grow
15- Snakes, Trains and Digimon
16- Back to Nature, Back to Battle
17- Duel With the Deva
18- Digital Beauty
19- Impmon’s Last Stand
20- Out of the Blue
21- Jeri’s Quest
22- The Boar Wars
23- A World Apart
24- The Journey Begins
25- Brave New Digital World
26- Kazu and Kenta’s Excellent Adventure
27- Motorcycle Madness
28- Blame it on Ryo
29- Goliath
30- An Imperfect Storm
31- Kazu’s Upgrade
32- Shibumi Speaks
33- Rabbit Transit
34- Lionheart
35- Give a Little Bit
36- The Battle Within
37- No Mon is an Island
38- Azulongmon Explains it all
39- Song of Sakuyamon
40- Janyu’s Ark
41- Homeward Bound
42- Reunion
43- Beelzemon’s Big Day
44- The Messenger
45- The D-Reaper’s Disguise
46- When is a Mon Justimon
47- His Kingdom for a Horse
48- Shadow of the Beast King
49- The D-Reaper’s Feast
50- Jeri Fights Back
51-  Such Sweet Sorrow

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