Witch Hunter Robin

Size: +/- 90 MB
Format: Mp4
Audio: English
Status: Complete
Host : Megaupload
Genres: drama, mystery, supernatural
Theme: police, superpowers
Running time:+/- 24 minutes
Total Episode: 26

Plot Summary: Witches are individuals with special powers like ESP, telekinesis, mind control, etc. (not the typical hogwart and newt potions). Robin, a craft user, arrives from Italy to Japan to work for an organization named STN Japan Division (STN-J) as a replacement for one of STN-J’s witch hunters who was recently killed. Unlike other divisions of STN, STN-J tries to capture the witches alive in order to learn why and how they became witches in the first place.

01 Replacement
02 Addicted to Power
03 Dancing in Darkness
04 Stubborn Aesthetics
05  Smells Like the Wandering Spirit
06 Raindrops
07 Simple Mind
08 Faith
09 Sign of the Craft
10 Separate Lives
11 The Soul Cages
12 Precious Illusions
13 The Eyes of Truth
14 Loaded Guns
15 Time to Say Goodbye
16 Heal the Pain
17 Dilemma
18 In My Pocket
19 Missing
20 All I Really Oughtta Know
21  No Way Out
22 Family Portrait
23 Sympathy for the Devil
24 Rent
25 Redemption Day
26 Time to Tell

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