Tenjou Tenge

Tenjho_Tenge.jpg tenjou tenge image by Ocelot562

Size: +/- 70 MB
Format: Mkv
Audio: Dual Audio
Status: Complete
Host : Megaupload
Genres: action, comedy, drama, supernatural
Themes: martial arts, school
Running time: 23 minutes

Plot Summary: Souchirou Nagi and Bob Makihara are two delinquents who arrive at Toudou Academy with the objective of ruling over the school with their strength. But on their first day, they encountered the Jyuukenbu, a martial arts group of the school. Members of the group, Maya Natsume, her sister Aya, and Masataka Takayanagi easily overpowered Souchirou and Bob. And what’s more, due to what was assumed to be their “connections” with the Jyuukenbu, the two were attacked by members of the Enforcement Group, which oversees the martial arts groups of the school. Drawn into the personal conflicts between the Jyuukenbu and the Enforcement Group, Souchirou and Bob have no choice but to join up with Maya Natsume’s group and to hone their skills to become even stronger.

Episode 1: Sanctuary
Episode 2: Defeat
Episode 3: Executioner
Episode 4: Suspicion
Episode 5: Punishment
Episode 6: Illusion
Episode 7: Breakthrough
Episode 8: Dragon’s Eye
Episode 9: Enforcement
Episode 10: Memory
Episode 11: One With An Unusual Talent
Episode 12: Darkness
Episode 13: Magical Power
Episode 14: Hellfire
Episode 15: Yin & Yang
Episode 16: Conclusion
Episode 17: True Motive
Episode 18: Sympathy
Episode 19: Start Up
Episode 20: Plot
Episode 21: Accidental Explosion
Episode 22: Resolution
Episode 23: Binding Spell
Episode 24: Wandering

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